Silent and often confusing, perimenopausal symptoms can ambush women as hormones begin their erratic descent, when they least expect them –often in their early 40s.
In The Naked Truth About PERIMENOPAUSE, Susanne Mitchell reveals her eye-opening journey through a roller-coaster hormonal retreat and the mysteries behind the transition to menopause.
She explores the relationship of hormones to our wellbeing, including testosterone, including why testosterone replacement is such a controversial therapy. ‘I’m not talking about testosterone as in 25-year-old boyfriends but in the form of a hormone cream that’s harder to score than heroin.’
Disrupted sleep, fluctuating emotions and other embarrassing symptoms are often under-recognised and dismissed, even by doctors who may simply write mid-life women off as ‘depressed or anxious’.
Susanne offers context to ‘conventional medical thinking’ and the very real gender biases women face in the treatment of their hormonal health. After seeking answers from leading experts in women’s health, a whole new world opened up in her search for the truth about perimenopause.
She found conflicting evidence, differences of medical opinion and that there’s far more at play than it seems.
Susanne’s natural humour and thought provoking commentary make this a relatable read for every woman who wants to understand the challenges of hormone deficiency and take back control of their health and their lives.
Print copies available from all major book retailers:

Fleur Anson
‘Susanne has creatively filled in some much needed ‘blanks’ in the quest of understanding perimenopause. Her authentic first hand experience, dotted with humour, combined with good research and medical facts, has been presented as a clear, easy to navigate, guide.
As a woman who started early menopause or perimenopause, depending on which doctor I visited, at the age of 37, 14 years ago, I encourage you to read this book, even if it’s not because you suffer any symptoms yourself, but to help others. I hope this book will be passed on to enlighten a new generation and help dispel the myths and old wives tales! Knowledge on this subject gives us the power to be more comfortable within ourselves.‘

In this compelling blend of memoir and today’s hottest self-development topics, Susanne Mitchell – writer, storyteller and media professional – weaves a potent thread of philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience through an engaging narrative of true stories.
Using humour, profound insight, and an easygoing down-to-earth wisdom, Susanne reveals her innermost secrets while encouraging you to disrobe and take an honest look at your own naked truth.
The knowledge she shares in The Naked Truth About YOU will guide you to understand what fuels your everyday actions, thoughts and emotions. She clearly demonstrates how increased self-awareness offers the freedom to live a truly authentic life.
After hitting her middle years weighed down by the overwhelming demands of life, depression, divorce and chronic disease, took a dramatic face-plant into crisis.
Her choices were to give up and die, continue living in beige-toned mediocrity while quietly falling apart, or shed her heavy superwoman cape to understand who she really was underneath the bluff and bravado.
What are the vital and elusive ingredients to creating a kick-arse life? Courageously pulling on her big-girl knickers, Susanne shares the secrets she discovered with you.
Register your interest now for a FREE Preview Chapter and an invite to the book launch.
Lone Wolf Pictures, British TV Producer, Director and ex-commissioning editor at Channel 4 Television

When you head towards menopause, nobody tells you what you’re going to become. They allude to it in whispered secret code, because female biology is classified information. Full disclosure might cause shame or serious injury to the national interest.
You keep calm and carry on, not expecting it to happen yet. Then suddenly you’re hot, you’re cold, your body begins to go through all this crazy shit, you’re exhausted, you pile on weight and on top of all that, you begin to lose your mind.
Recently, perimenopause hit me in all its hot-flash, brain fog, hormonal glory as my body retreated into a chrysalis of transformation. I was unprepared and quite possibly in denial. If someone had shared the nuggets of truth within this book with me, then the last few years of my life would have made SO much more sense.
As I hit my mid 40s I was still knee-deep in denial and yet I’d already begun the transition. I ended up in the depths of despair, behaving erratically as my hormones fled in a mass exodus. I’d had my oestrogen fix removed and didn’t understand what that meant.
After wading through research, opinions, women’s health forums and listening to medical professionals, I began to explore a range of lifestyle and medical options to help restore my state of balance. Eventually I found a route that brought me back to sanity. If you’re a woman heading towards or through your 40s (or love a woman who is) you need to read this Sneak Preview Edition. It’s FREE, so there’s nothing to lose!