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The Naked Truth About PERIMENOPAUSE
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 11 reviews
 by Alex Krohn
A Must Read for every Married Guy

This book is so enlightening, Susanne makes a challenging topic easy to understand with fact and humour!

It's a must read for every married guy. As a 50-year-old, having just read this book, a lot of things now make sense about my wife's experiences and emotions over the past few years. You have succinctly and quickly (its not a long read- which is great for many guys) helped me understand a lot about this topic and opened my eyes to things I had no idea about.

Every wife should buy this for their husbands ... for both their sakes.

Highly recommended.

 by Gillian
A Straight Up Guide to Menopause!

I loved this. A well-written and well-researched book about what to expect when it comes to menopause, packed full of practical information. Thanks Susanne for being so up front about your own experiences and for sharing your journey. The end chapter was great too, completely agree we need to talk more about this subject and demystify it. This is a wonderful time in our lives and we should all be be empowered to celebrate and relish our transition into the wise and sexy 'sorceress' phase 🙂

 by Amy W
An eye-opening insight into the journey to menopause

This book was such an eye opener! I'm so glad I read it now (I'm almost 44) before completely losing myself on the journey through perimenopause. Now I feel prepared with the knowledge to navigate my way through with an idea of where it might lead me.

Susanne shares an honest account of how her life changed during perimenopause, with some quirky stories making the book an easy read and I laughed out loud at times. She's done the research for us and shares her findings on options available (and sometimes not so available) to us. Interesting to learn about testosterone, I think we can fairly claim some ownership of that hormone! I highly recommend this book for women and those around them that may not understand what is happening to their loved one.

 by Michelle Cole
The Naked Truth About Perimenopause

Thank you for writing this book Susanne! I found it easy to read, clear, concise, funny at times and it answered all the questions I wanted and more, there was so much more to know! Great stuff.

 by Valerie Mitchell
A must read book

Loved reading this book. So informative and funny which I didn't expect. It's a must read for every woman (and those who love them, men included!). It covers all aspects along with her clever humour and the knowledge and insight will empower women to manage their menopause and take control of their health through midlife.

 by Fleur Anson
Finding ‘her’ way forward

Susanne has ‘creatively’ filled in some much needed ‘blanks’ in the quest of understanding perimenopause. Her authentic first hand experience, dotted with humour, combined with good research and medical facts, has been presented as a clear, easy to navigate, guide.

As a woman who started early menopause or perimenopause, depending on which doctor I visited, at the age of 37, 14 years ago, I encourage you to read this book, even if it’s not because you suffer any symptoms yourself, but to help others. I hope this book will be passed on to enlighten a new generation and help dispel the myths and old wives tales! Knowledge on this subject gives us the power to be more comfortable within ourselves.

 by Louise Bradley
Essential reading for all women (and for the men who love them).

Susanne has done the hard yards... to create an accessible and informative book that will take a lot of the stress out of peri and post menopause.

Years of academic research from experts has been combined with her creative flair for writing and expressing concepts in an approachable and knowledgeable way. This along with with personal experience has produced a manual of profound importance, imbued with her light and friendly touch.

Not since the Red Tent, have I read a book so welcoming to us all as women, who let’s face it, all go through this stage at some point in our lives. These subjects are still in many ways taboo, and having grown up in an age where silence and secret whispers were mainly the norm or rolled eyeballs and an acceptance as ‘women’s business'.

However, it is now time for change, and this skillful combination of academia with examples of real life situations is an eye-opener and page turner. No longer will I struggle by myself with some of the issues I have faced since menopause. I will definitely be enquiring about possible solutions as a result of reading Susanne’s book.

As she mentions herself, if she had been empowered with the knowledge she has now, she could have saved herself a lot of heartache and bewilderment.

 by Darren
I wish I had read this before my wife's menopause

I read Susanne Mitchell's book thinking I knew what she was talking about after witnessing my wife's experience with the menopause. I realise now that I was only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Underneath all her duvet snatching and waking me up to complain about the heat (in the cold) was a disorienting combat zone of processes that her body and mind were facing up to and often succumbing to. I am embarrassed at some of the eye rolling I did and the irritation at my sleep being disrupted and having to wait for the storm to pass or step back while the volcano erupted.

Brace yourselves fellas. The book tells it like it is, and it is certainly not for the faint hearted. Probably eye opening for anyone not actually experiencing it directly and reassuring for anyone who is (apparently women often know as little as us men about it). With what is going on in their bodies, it is no wonder some middle age women are mad, bad and dangerous to know.

It's a really fast read (I opened it and closed it without needing a break) and surprisingly entertaining. I enjoyed the overall wordplay ('Did I ovary act?' etc) and there are several hilarious experiences recounted from Susanne's own experience that are really entertaining. Not for her at the time, clearly. I wouldn't hesitate to speak to women about the menopause having read this book. It is packed with up to date facts and examples of common (sometimes excruciating) experiences.

 by Jennie-lee Van Gelder
Essential Reading!

An honest account of one woman's story and her fight to navigate the medical minefield of menopause. Susanne takes us through the depths of secret women's business, (that we should be taught as girls!) to help us understand the importance of hormones to our wellbeing and how to manage the madness of midlife. There's so much information crammed into this book. It has many witty moments to carry the more serious investigation into the medical options that are available. It'll help you to know the options available and how to go about getting the right support.

 by Rita Mann
Must Read

I love the way Susanne opens up her heart, bares all and tells it how it is, in a very digestible format. Combining personal experience, medical facts and a good bout of humour, this is a must read for anyone who wants to know the ins and outs of perimenopause. And the investigation into testosterone is eye-opening, I had no idea!

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